Spider Veins Treatment Options

Texas Vascular and Vein Center, with Dr. Ramesh Paladugu and Dr. Mythili Paladugu, can provide a variety of therapies to manage various vein-related and vascular concerns. For example, we can help manage spider veins in Fort Worth, TX, through expert diagnosis and hands-on therapy to help you get rid of these frustrating and often painful veins.

Diagnosis: A Critical First Step

Our team will diagnose your veins and determine where they originate. Typically, a few issues might trigger them, and we need to make sure we understand why you have them. Just a few steps that we’ll take to help you out here include:

  • Performing a physical exam to check for all instances of these veins in your body 
  • Take your vital signs to figure out if you have a heart-related concern that might impact you
  • Talk to you about your medical history to see if there are any warning signs about your veins
  • Learn more about your family history – these veins might run in the family
  • Look for signs of CVI – this might indicate a more serious problem that needs immediate care

Our Texas Vascular and Vein Center team, including Dr. Paladugu and Dr. Paladugu, will take your spider veins in Fort Worth, TX very seriously. We’ll do what we can to figure out why they developed. Then, we’ll find a therapy solution that minimizes your pain to keep you happy.

Therapy: Takes a Few Approaches

Once we know what’s causing your veins, we’ll find a care solution that makes sense for you. Typically, this process includes one of two common therapies for treating vein issues. We’ll help you pick one that makes the most sense.

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment that includes a simple foam or chemical injection that closes off the vein. Typically, it goes away in about 3-6 weeks, though it may require a few applications before you see it disappear. Typically, it works very well.

What if your vein doesn’t go away after that? Try laser therapy, a noninvasive treatment that breaks apart these veins effectively. Our team uses this care option in delicate areas, like the face, and applies concentrated light to the skin. It typically takes 1-3 months for them to disappear.

Contact Us Today To Learn More

At Texas Vascular and Vein Center, Dr. Paladugu and Dr. Paladugu can help you manage spider veins in Fort Worth, TX to help you stay healthy. We know that these veins can feel painful, and we’ll do whatever we can to ensure that you’re treated properly. Call us at (817) 332-8346 to speak with our team and learn more about our care options and help you recover successfully.

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